# API References

# 🔧 Properties

# linter

<vue-eslint-editor :linter="linter" />
  • Type: Linter | null
  • Default value: null

The Linter object to does linting and fixing the input code.

This component requires this property in order to work properly, but this property can be null in order to use dynamic imports.


The eslint4b package is useful as the Linter class which works in browsers.

# code

<vue-eslint-editor :code="code" />
<vue-eslint-editor v-model="code" />
  • Type: string
  • Default value: ""

The source code which is shown in this code editor.

Users can edit the source code. You can bind a property with v-model to receive the edits.

# config

<vue-eslint-editor :config="config" />
  • Type: object
  • Default value: {}

The config object to lint.

This config object is given to the second argument of Linter#verify() method. Define parser options and rules.


Use Linter#defineParser() method before you use the parser field. Otherwise, the Linter object throws a not-found error.


Mind you cannot use env, extends, overrides, plugins, and processor fields in this config. This is a limitation of Linter class.

  • Use globals and parserOptions fields instead of the env field.
  • Merge your configurations manually instead of the extends field.
  • Switch your configuration for each file manually instead of the overrides field.
  • Use Linter#defineRule() method with every rule of plugins instead of the plugins field.
  • Use preprocess and postprocess attributes instead of the processor field.

# dark

<vue-eslint-editor dark />
  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

The flag to use dark theme.

# filename

<vue-eslint-editor filename="a.js" />
  • Type: string
  • Default value: "a.js"

The filename of the source code.

Some rules use filenames to lint. You can customize the filename with this property.

# fix

<vue-eslint-editor fix />
  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

The flag to show the "Preview" button that shows fixed code side by side.

# format

<vue-eslint-editor :format="format" />

The format option object for Monaco Editor.

# language

<vue-eslint-editor language="javascript" />
  • Type: string
  • Default value: "javascript"

The language option object for Monaco Editor.

You can change syntax highlights and language services in order to play ESLint with custom parsers.

# postprocess

<vue-eslint-editor :postprocess="postprocess" />
  • Type: ((messages: Message[][], filename: string) => Message[]) | undefined
  • Default value: undefined

The post-process function.

This function is given to the third argument of Linter#verify() method.

# preprocess

<vue-eslint-editor :preprocess="preprocess" />
  • Type: ((code: string, filename: string) => string[]) | undefined
  • Default value: undefined

The pre-process function.

This function is given to the third argument of Linter#verify() method.

# 🔔 Events

# input

<vue-eslint-editor @input="onInputCode" />
  • Type: string

The event which is fired on every edit.

This event is for v-model functionality.

# change

<vue-eslint-editor @change="onChange" />
  • Type: {code: string, fixedCode: string, messages: Array, fixedMessages: Array}

The event which is fired on edits asynchronously.

The first argument has the following properties:

  • code is the current source code.
  • fixedCode is the autofixed code.
  • messages is the errors that ESLint reported.
  • fixedMessages is the errors which are remained after autofix.